Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Lets talk monsters.

These past few months it been becoming increasingly difficult to think of content to share with you in this blog. I mean I don't want to bore you with the mundane everyday routine of life. I'm sure some of you are into that, but I'm a writer dammit. I should be able to come up with better content than that.
This will not be a blog about going to Wal-mart.
Now I'm sure at this point you're thinking that as a writer you are in for the strange and unusual with weekly takes of terror or excitement... Maybe one day but not today. My subject that I want to rant about for a few minutes of your time can be exciting and terrifying. If you let it. I want to to talk to you about monsters.
Now something I've come to realize is that how people perceive ideas changes with time. Take for instance monsters. Depending on when you were born and how old you are, monster could mean something very different to you then it does to someone else. My 8 year old for instance thinks monsters are zombies. Thats what she fears is in her closet. People from an earlier generation may believe something else. For instance those who watched the serial killers trials on tv may think of them when they here the word monster. In other cases folks who have been in abusive relationships may percieve the oppslisite sex as monsters. It's an interesting thing to think about.
Go on, think about it. What do you think of when you here the word monster?
... Are you finished?
Now after a very long and winded intro I want to tell you what I think. Most of you may agree but if not, it really doesn't matter. The easiest example to help you understand what I think of is that of the universal monsters. You know Dracula, Wolfman, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, etc. These to me are monsters. Beings that live through their own mythology and haunted you with their mystery. They are beasts who, through time have gone through so many transfromations throughout every culture that even when you start to scratch the surface of their history, you start to wonder if such things did exist in way or another. One of the many interests I have is researching mythical creatures. I have quite a few books on them and I love to incorporate them into my stories as many of you can attest. My reasoning is to bring these monsters back to their roots. Shine the light back on them and re-hash their glory days.
In a time where our scary movies consists mainly of ghosts and cannibals, the vampires and werewolves of our culture have been moved more into the fantsy realm than the realm of horror. No longer do people see a full moon and feel the hair on the backs of their neck stand up when they hear a dog howling, and for just one moment think that there could be werewolf in their neighborhood. Vampires as well have gone from terrifying predators of the night to love sick teenagers who couldn't even scare school children anymore. In this age of information and internet why have we become so skeptical to dismiss swamp monsters or disregard fantastic sciences that bordered on the edge of magic.
It could be that there is no mystery left.
With everything being filmed and photgraphed, nothing is left to the imagination anymore.
As small as my books are, like pebbles in the ocean of entertainment and cynical information. I hope to change that. I want to bring back the fantasical monsters of our past. Not to make them real but bring them back in a fictional sense. I want kids to be running the streets as the Invisible man or Mr.Hyde, not as Spongebob. Kids should pick up bolts from their parents tool boxes put them to their necks and claim to be the creation of Frankenstein. I want my monsters to be scary again.
It may just be a pipe dream and most it sounds like a rant fueled with nerd rage and an ageing man who doesn't like the changing of times, but maybe just maybe I've reached someone. Either through this post or through the reading of my books, maybe I've re-ignited their imagination for monsters. Make them believe that monsters can be fictional and scary again.
I can hope right.